![]() A stunning blue sky morning saw five club members turn up at the BP Service Centre Papakura for a run down to Thames – Peter & June (1975 Oldsmobile Delta) Fred & Diana (1962 Oldsmobile Starfire) Mark & Margaret (1966 Ford Thunderbird) Greg (1969 Buick Electra) Russell & Cindy (1957 Pontiac Star Chief). Just missing out on the departure time was Kerry (1962 Thunderbird) who put pedal to the metal and turned up shortly after our arrival at Thames Airfield. Luckily Fred had bought along a gazebo, which was most welcome as the blazing sun was relentless, although there was a nice light southerly throughout the day. The tremendous variety of cars in the display area was surely overshadowed by the range and type of aeroplanes, some of which were truly spectacular. A NZ Navy Sea Sprite helicopter flew down from Whenuapai for the day, and this was constantly surrounded by fans young and old throughout the day. The highlight of the day though was the air displays, which were truly spectacular and varied. These ranged from mock airfights between Red Baron/Snoopy type bi and tri planes, to formation and aerobatic flights, and the Warbirds aircraft. The displays just kept coming throughout the day as per the programme, and provided spectacular viewing against the deep blue skies. It was certainly different to the normal car focussed shows we usually frequent, and was a joy to both car and aircraft aficionados alike. Well worth the lovely drive down to the Coromandel, and one that I would highly recommend for next year. Ciao4now, regards Russell
![]() Having just moved into the Whangarei district and joined the Classic & Sports Car Club of Northland Inc my wife Val and I were both looking forward to our first club run with them in our Chevy Camaro. Our spirits were somewhat dampened by the dire weather predictions of the evening before “D” day, but from long experience of the weather gurus being consistently wrong we made all our preparations and woke on the morning to find it not looking too bad so off we set. We fueled up at Mobil Kamo and then on to the meeting point. Around 7:45 we all set off in convoy, proceeding at measured pace without any issues in light traffic up SH1 turning off onto SH10 at Pakaraka. Further up we passed through the nearly completed new roundabout at Puketona carrying on through the equally new and near complete one at Waipapa, and a what a godsend that one is too, having lived there for 6 years plus without it, eventually reaching Kaeo where a short stop was made. Somewhere about 9:45-ish we arrived at the Taipa show grounds. We found we had arrived early enough to park all together in a spot that was handy to a very convenient & welcome stand of trees where we established ourselves. Welcome because by now we had proof yet again of another total failure of the weather gurus it being a scorching, searing sun boring down mercilessly on any brave enough to venture out into it with barely a breath of wind. Over the next hour or so vehicles poured in to the site & an eclectic sampling they were indeed. British, American and European of most shapes, sizes, types and ages. Classics, Rods, Customs, Vintage/Veteran and some Neo stuff (bah, humbug). There was absolutely something there to appeal to just about any taste. By my reckoning about 200 or so in all. Val & I strolled the rows admiring this and that, taking photos and sometimes chatting with owners. I was particularly taken with a home brewed ‘62 PA Velox 2 door, sedan, convertible. Very nicely done producing an especially stylish vehicle IMHO. Actually, I’m more of a fan of mid ‘30s to late ‘40s and even some 50s American iron, they being a nostalgic throw back to my largely misspent youth, no doubt. We wiled away the time with amusing banter, chatting about this and that interspersed with food and drink and forays to inspect more of the vehicles. A very pleasant interlude. All in all a great day undisturbed by the thunderous deluges and lightning predicted. We departed a little early having an appointment with some very special doughnuts in Kerikeri that needed our concentrated attention before 3pm. Our luck was out as it transpired although I did get the last jam one to devour with my latte. Some delinquent behind the counter had sold our pre-ordered ones. Rain, of a light and sporadic nature, did eventually catch us up during the trip back but it didn’t amount to a hill of beans. As a day out in our “special” car it was great. We met some gracious and friendly folk in a congenial circumstance and look forward to repeating the experience often on into the future. And for those weather challenged folk who misguidedly pinned their faith on the sagacity of the weather-clots, you missed a great outing. Onwards to next time then and thanks to both the club and show event organizers. Cheers, Greg |
February 2025